Monday, August 7, 2017

GET Keys to Effective Communication LIMITED

Keys to Effective Communication

Keys to Effective Communication

If You search then Keys to Effective Communication is best choice, Buy it now for Price is 65.00

If you often find yourself at a loss for words or lack confidence in your communication abilities, you'll appreciate this course
With the help of a patient instructor and a supportive community of your fellow students, you'll work step by step through the process of becoming a great conversationalist
You'll learn to use communication to build rapport and create environments of trust, warmth, and respect
Become more confident, create a great first impression, get along well with others, and create more and better personal and professional relationships
ed2go is a global Registered Education Provider for the Project Management Institute (PMI)
Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.s) offer programs and courses that are preapproved for professional development units through PMI and have been reviewed by a Project Management Professional (PMP) to ensure that they meet the expectations of PMI for professional development in project management
This program/course is a good choice for those looking for project management experience and those aspiring to obtain a credential from PMI
It's also an excellent choice for existing PMI credential holders looking for an approved activity for continuing certification PDUs
At the end of this course, you'll receive a certificate indicating your completion of this course, which is equivalent to 24 hours
You will need to create an account on and add this course to your account in order to qualify for 24 PDUs
ed2go is an approved provider, R.E.P
Please visit to learn more about PMI credentials and how they may fit into your continuing education plans
(This course aligns to the PMI Talent Triangle.) For the Talent Triangle breakdown of PDUs for this course, please Click Here
PMP, Project Management Professional, Project Management Professional (PMP) , PMBOK, PgMP, PMI-RMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) and the PMI REP Logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute

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