Sunday, July 23, 2017


Get Funny!

Get Funny!

If You search then Get Funny! is best choice, Buy it now for Price is 65.00

The ability to create humor is a skill many people don't have, yet wish they did
If you're interested in learning how to come up with jokes or witticisms on the fly, punch up dull material for an audience, or make a living as a comedy writer, this course will get you going
Your instructor, an experienced comedy writer and working actress, will guide you through a wide range of comedic sources
You'll learn how to write a one-liner, use physical humor, target your audience, find the humor in everyday events and much, much more
Once you've learned some of the methods of creating humor, you'll be ready to apply it to all aspects of your life
Punch up speeches and presentations so that the audience is instantly on your side
Mix laughter with learning in the classroom, and watch your students' attention spans grow
Add some humor to your web page and watch the hits explode as word gets out
Use your newfound sense of humor to entertain your friends, meet interesting people, and even make new friends! For the aspiring comedy writer, there are invaluable techniques for finding the methods that work consistently and without the worries of whims, moods or blocks
There is even a section on marketing your humor, giving you the inside information you'll need to find your niche
Learning should be fun, and this course is no exception
Filled with opportunities to laugh as you learn, \

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Intermediate PHP and MySQL

Intermediate PHP and MySQL
Learn how to create an interactive online store complete with an online catalog of products, allowing customers to browse the catalog to select items, place them in a shopping cart, and complete an order
In this six-week online course, you'll see how to create a commercial online store using the PHP programming language and the MySQL database server
We'll walk through the steps for developing a complete online store Web application
During the course, you'll see step-by-step how to create all of the software and database objects used in the application
The application consists of two parts, an administrative Web application allowing a store manager to post new products, alter product information, and process customer orders, and a customer Web application allowing customers to browse the catalog of products, select products for purchase, and check out using a shopping cart
At the end of the course, you'll be able to use these code templates to create your own online store application.

Price : 65.00

The Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention Connection

The Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention Connection

Today's teachers are using two powerful approaches-Differentiated Instruction (DI) and Response to Intervention (RTI) -to help every child succeed academically
In this course, you'll learn how to put this \

Price : 65.00

Administrative Assistant Applications

Administrative Assistant Applications

Discover how time management, accounting, business law, organizational behavior, and management affect administrative assistant responsibilities and activities
Learn the basics of accounting, including the general ledger and key accounting terms, and see how financial statements and controls help keep your organization moving in a positive direction
Understand the fundamentals of business law, contracts, and the principal-agency relationship
discover ethics and organizational politics
and understand the basics of human resources management
Also, discover key management functions such as planning, control, motivation, and organization, discover how to increase creativity
Plus, find out how marketing differs from sales and learn the basics of operations management
This course may help you prepare for the internationally-recognized Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) exam offered by the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP)
Note: This course is not affiliated with, nor has it been endorsed by, the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) .

Price : 65.00

The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks

The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks

The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks is a comprehensive course designed to provide you with conventional and advanced techniques in researching and valuing stocks
Starting off with the basics, you will learn how to read financial statements and calculate financial ratios, and then move on to perform industrial comparisons, value stocks, and conduct economic and industrial research
This course is taught in a manner that uses everyday language, simple, yet insightful analogies, and a just the facts attitude that you will understand and appreciate
By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in the analysis and valuation of stocks.

Price : 65.00