Tuesday, July 25, 2017

GET Introduction to Microsoft Project 2016 LIMITED

Introduction to Microsoft Project 2016

Introduction to Microsoft Project 2016

If You search then Introduction to Microsoft Project 2016 is best choice, Buy it now for Price is 70.00

Discover how to effectively plan, implement, and control projects using Microsoft Project 2016
From sequencing tasks, producing a baseline, and assigning resources and costs, to tracking progress, analyzing variances, and revising your project plan, Microsoft Project can help you organize all your project's details quickly and effectively
In this course, you'll master the basics of Microsoft Project 2016 so you can create a project schedule in no time flat and then share it with clients and co-workers
Using the program's different views, such as the Calendar and Gantt Chart views, you'll manage your project information and produce effective reports
Armed with this information, you'll avoid going down dead-end alleys and overloading your schedule
And should you encounter trouble, you'll master a number of tried-and-true problem-resolution techniques to help get your project back on track
You'll also learn how to fine-tune different aspects of your project, including splitting tasks for work interruptions and defining material consumption rates
After completing the course, you'll know how to develop, implement, and control a project plan that meets organizational and customer objectives
ed2go is a global Registered Education Provider for the Project Management Institute (PMI)
Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.s) offer programs and courses that are preapproved for professional development units through PMI and have been reviewed by a Project Management Professional (PMP) to ensure that they meet the expectations of PMI for professional development in project management
This program/course is a good choice for those looking for project management experience and those aspiring to obtain a credential from PMI
It's also an excellent choice for existing PMI credential holders looking for an approved activity for continuing certification PDUs
At the end of this course, you'll receive a certificate indicating your completion of this course, which is equi

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View this Course Detail in the following languages: Spanish Chinese Traditional Chinese Simplified Japanese Brazilian Portuguese

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If you want to learn touch-typing or improve your existing typing skills, this is the perfect course for you! In these lessons, you'll use the Keyboarding Pro 5 program, a typing tutorial designed for personal computers, to learn how to touch-type-that is, to type text you read from a printed page or a computer screen without looking at your keyboard
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As you improve your typing speed and accuracy, you'll use the word processor's timed writing feature to continually hone your skills
You'll even learn posture tips to minimize fatigue and help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome
With the skills you master here, you'll become faster and more confident at the keyboard
By the end of the course, you'll know how to touch-type the alphabetic, numeric, and symbol keys
create, save, and edit word processing documents
and successfully take a timed writing test during a job interview.

Price : 65.00

Certificate in Starting Your Own Business in Health and Healing

Certificate in Starting Your Own Business in Health and Healing

11 contact hours Have you dreamed of creating your own business in health and wellness? Becoming an entrepreneur in this growing field can provide you with independence, flexibility, personal fulfillment, control over your own life, and incredible financial rewards
In this innovative program, you'll learn how to make your dreams of building a health-related business a reality
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By the end, you'll have virtually everything you need to embark on creating your own health and wellness business
Program Benefits: The Starting Your Own Business in Health and Healing certificate program offers a multidisciplinary educational experience
Your certificate in Starting Your Own Business in Health and Healing will distinguish you as a knowledgeable, skilled, and committed professional
This program will: enhance your professional marketability
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fulfill continuing education requirements for many professionals Career Opportunities: The Starting Your Own Business in Health and Healing certificate program provides health care professionals and interested individuals in a wide range of careers with the knowledge and skills to effectively meet the needs of a culturally diverse patient and client population
Today, opportunities exist in the fields of nursing, social work, massage therapy, teaching, hospice care, administration, and research
Opportunities also exist within government programs and agenci

Price : 49.00